Yan Jiang

Yan Jiang

Postdoctoral scholar
School of Global Policy & Strategy
UC San Diego

Hi! I am a climate scientist with a background in atmospheric science, climate dynamics and modeling, hydrology, remote sensing, and machine learning.

I am currently a postdoctoral scholar working with Prof. Jennifer Burney in the Environment and Policy Group at UC San Diego. My current postdoc research focuses on Climate Change and Food Security, with a specific emphasis on assessing agricultural water resources and crop yield by combining gridded Earth Observation (EO) data, statistics and causal inference tools, and economic models.

I completed my PhD in Atmospheric Science from the University at Albany, SUNY in 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Liming Zhou. My doctoral research encompassed: 1) analyzing trends in the timing and duration of the dry season over the Congo Basin; 2) evaluating variations in wildfires in Central Africa; 3) quantifying teleconnections between equatorial African rainfall, intra-seasonal atmospheric variabilities, and the tropical Indian Ocean; and 4) assessing the impact of rainforest evapotranspiration on regional rainfall over the Congo Basin.

I obtained my B.S. in Atmospheric Science from Sun Yat-Sen University in 2016, where I was advised by Prof. Song Yang and Prof. Xiaoming Hu.